因業務需求需要寄送大檔案,但是可能接收端的mail server 不允許夾帶大檔案之附件,故需要將檔案進行拆分壓縮,此時需要一個一個寄信就變成一件非常麻煩的事情,因此有了以下的程式碼!!
本案例是使用gmail的mail 服務,所以程式會透過 gmail 寄信。
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email import encoders from importlib.resources import path from os import listdir,getcwd from os.path import isfile, join, basename import sys import threading import smtplib def getAttachments(cwd): # cwd = join(getcwd(),"files") attachFiles = [join(cwd, f) for f in listdir(cwd) if isfile(join(cwd, f))] return attachFiles def addAttchment(content,file): with open(file, 'rb') as fp: add_file = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") add_file.set_payload(fp.read()) encoders.encode_base64(add_file) add_file.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename= basename(file)) content.attach(add_file) def getMailInfo(title): content = MIMEMultipart() #建立MIMEMultipart物件 content["subject"] = title #郵件標題 content["from"] = "tygr@gmail.example.com" #寄件者 content["to"] = "target@example.com" content.attach(MIMEText("send mail by python script.")) #郵件內容 return content def send(content): with smtplib.SMTP(host="smtp.gmail.com", port="587") as smtp: # 設定SMTP伺服器 try: smtp.ehlo() # 驗證 SMTP伺服器 smtp.starttls() # 建立加密傳輸 smtp.login("tygr@gamil.com", "accountToken") # 登入寄件者gmail smtp.send_message(content) # 寄送郵件 except Exception as e: print("Error message: ", e) def sendMailPackage(idx, attachment): print("attachments file path = ", attachment) title = 'Realse ' + str(idx) content = getMailInfo(title) addAttchment(content=content,file=attachment) send(content=content) print("finish idx = " + str(idx)) def sendMail(cwd): print ("[info] = ",cwd) idx = 1 ts = [] for attachment in getAttachments(cwd): t = threading.Thread(target = sendMailPackage, args=(idx,attachment)) t.start() idx += 1 ts.append(t) for t in ts: t.join() def main(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: cwd = join(getcwd(),"files") sendMail(cwd=cwd) else: sendMail(cwd = sys.argv[1]) print("done.") main()